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Pastor John and Cari_edited.jpg

Pastor and Wife, Cari
John Swinford
Pastor John retired from the U. S. Marine Corps in 2001, after serving over 20 years on active duty.  John is a Seminary graduate and was Ordained as a Minister of Christ in 2014. 

John is passion
ate about discipleship and ministry to men and serves on the Board of Directors for Relevant Practical Ministry for Men and as the Conference Coordinator for the Annual Springfield Iron Sharpens Iron Men's Equipping Conference.

John an
d Cari have been married for 36 years and have two married daughters and four grandchildren, all living in the immediate area.


Connie Doolin
Photo and Info coming soon



Worship Leader
Stephanie Cook

Pasfield Baptist has been my home for 20 + years, which has been a true blessing in my life.  This church is filled with loving, sweet, and caring people.  It has been my honor to be a part of the worship team and other ministries.
I am married to Eddie, and have been blessed with three children:  Kaitlyn, Rylee, and Ben.


Barb Cook

Piano Player
Barb Cook

I have been a part of Pasfield since it began in 1948 as a mission. When the mission became a church, I started playing the piano since I was 16yrs old. For 10+ years, I have been leading the Women on Mission group.

For almost 60 years, I have been married to Ed and have been blessed with three children.


Praise Team


Deb Cantrell


TT Alexander

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